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The global solar mounting system manufacturer Schletter Group continued to grow in 2023. Despite the cyclical downturn in the market environment for roof systems in Europe in the second half of the year, the company was able to increase its annual sales by 13 percent compared to the previous year.Continue Reading

Above: An overall layout of the 60 mtpa system at Simandou in Guinea. From right to left, two primary In Pit Crushing & Conveying (IPCC) systems incorporating TAKRAF X-TREME class sizers, a secondary In Pit Secondary Crushing & Conveying (IPSCC) system also incorporating TAKRAF sizers, a stockyard with two stackersContinue Reading

Due to continued very high inflation, the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) will raise port fees by an average of 6.5 percent from 1 January, 2024. The goods handled as bulk cargo in maritime transport, such as ore, coal, building materials, grain, fertilisers or mineral oil products, reached a total volumeContinue Reading

Jet Demolition Contracts and Project Manager, Kate Bester, says their scope of work ranges from the safe and controlled demolition of coal-fired boilers to product conveyors, steam turbines, transformers, silos, cooling towers and associated auxiliary equipment, in addition to the removal of hazardous materials. The company also carries out clean-upContinue Reading

Orders Streaming In A steadily increasing order intake from general industry and consulting engineers has led BB Cranes of Cape Town to step up production to meet demand. The upgrading of water and wastewater treatment plants in the Western and Eastern Cape is providing much of the additional business. CranesContinue Reading

Kramer Group, a major Rotterdam depot and container terminal operator, together with StreetDrone, a provider of autonomous yard truck technology, and Terberg, Europe’s largest manufacturer of yard trucks, have joined forces to deploy autonomous yard trucks across multiple locations in the Port of Rotterdam. The groundbreaking project, set to spanContinue Reading

FLSmidth has been chosen to supply the key technologies and services for Ma’aden’s phosphate three phase 1 mine site in the northern province of Saudi Arabia. The order placed on this Danish company is valued at approximately DKK 530 million and was booked in Q3 2023. The equipment is expectedContinue Reading

High Efficiency Mobile Trommels Crushing and screening giant, ELB Equipment, has completed the minerals processing equipment cycle with the addition of a complete range of high efficiency trommels. The company’s Powerscreen scalpers and screens already dominate the local market and the addition of the world’s leading trommel manufacturer, MDS, isContinue Reading

World’s first 65t electric truck showcased Forging new boundaries in battery technology and digital innovation, Sandvik’s 65 tonne TH665B battery electric truck vehicle (BEV), was one of the highlights at the recent Electra Mining show, before making its way to Australia for intensive site testing.  According to Jakob Rutqvist, Vice-PresidentContinue Reading