SIG is one of the European most important producers of elevator as well as rubber conveyor belts.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

With an experience of more than 50 years manufacturing SIG can easily supply high quality made in Italy synthetic and steel rubber belts worldwide.

Concerning the production process, our factory has a capacity of 400 km every year, manufacturing any type of rubber belt, up to 2200 mm of width and weight for every roll, covering any industrial field, from cement to iron factories, coal power plants, ports and terminals, mines and quarries as well as chemical factories.

Specific rubber covers are available to efficiently and safely handle the most critic bulk materials like hot clinker, flammable coal, oily waste and fertilizers, highly abrasive bauxite and iron ore.

Come to this point, we introduce you what we really manufacture, rubber conveyor and elevator belts: the first ones are used when it is necessary to convey material in a flat or slanting direction, whereas the second ones are used when vertical conveying system is required.


  • TEXTER: it has EP (nylon and polyester) carcass,

 it is the most common category of rubber belts;

  • SIDERFLEX: known due to its steel cord carcass used for heavy and long conveyors granting high resistance to cut as impacts, but still with high transversal flexibility;
  • PIPEX & PIFLEX: manufactured in both steel and textile carcass, for tubular shape;
  • ARABELT: as suggested by its name, it has got a special aramid carcass that lets it be the strongest product of our range, defeating any type of threat;
  • RIPSAVE: multiple plies rubber conveyor belt with a transversal steel reinforcement in the top cover;
  • TEXBIND: mono-ply polyester-nylon straight warp construction with double special reinforced weft;
  • FLEXOBORD: sidewall belt for inclined applications.


  • ELEMET: it is manufactured with a steel carcass for heavy and hot applications;
  • ELETEX:  it is manufactured with a textile carcass.

Kindly visit www.sig.it/en

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